
She Was There

Cynthia (30-H-2)

When I look back over my earlier years, in order to chart the course of transvestism through my life, I can find no beginning. It seems as though "she" was there

all the time.





Far back chapter four (I was four years old) began a personal war against vast armies of germs, bac- teria, etc., which was to last some three years and off. During this period I was wont to spend consid- erable time at home, usually indoors, and frequently in bed. Toys became a drag (oops!) and, as an alternative, I dressed up in any of Mamma's clothes which happened to be laying around. But, I also dressed up in Pappa's clothes. The exact age at which these things occured is easily proved as I distinctly recall that they happened in the house from which we moved when I was five years old.

During brief respites in the aforementioned war, I attended school. Uneventful for the most part but I once trembled violently at the prospect of being a per- former at a musical festival at which, according to the small slip of paper I carried home from school, I was to wear "a light blue blouse and navy blue knickers". An aunt, recognizing that I had misunderstood the note, fanned the fury of my fear by offering to "lend me a pair of her's". To explain; the principal, a woman of gram- matical excellence, had written the note in perfect Eng- lish, of course it meant "light blue shirt and short navy blue trousers". I was not at all thrilled as some of us apparently were at the prospect of being dressed as a girl.

